SOMETIMES people say: ‘…once I have found my message I will start speaking’ or ‘…I have worked through processes to find my message but nothing came out of it’. Here are our thoughts on this: ‘We get old and die but in between...
How Do I Get MORE Speaking Gigs
How a little sequence can make all the difference to the number of your bookings: This post won’t get you over the fear of public speaking, only training, practice and experience will BUT it will help you getting yourself into the speaking circuit....
How to Land a Game-Changing Speaking Gig
We had TEDx Clapham curator Alex Merry on our stage this month. Enjoy Alex’s words of wisdom and let us know as soon as you land you FIRST or NEXT game-changing speaking gig. Alex Merry: Want to share your story on stage? Think again! Last night I was invited to...
Storytelling & Storytelling Loops: A conversation with Clinton Swaine
Clinton Swaine, Founder of Frontier Trainings is known as the World Leader in experiential business trainings. He’s spoken on many of the world’s top stages and produced over 200 games and processes which teach business, personal development and speaking skills to...
How To Get Started With Speaking Gigs in London
It’s Annik from Speaker Express, coming to you from the stunning co-working space, WeWork, Tower Bridge. Today, I want to talk about an experience I had at one of our events that are part our 6-month Speaking Accelerator. It was all about storytelling and accessing...
How Do I Get On A TEDx Stage?
I hear it on a weekly basis, the question: ‘How do I get on a TEDx stage?’ Well, SPEAKER Express member Lizzy has done it (and some other members too BUT Lizzy is the only one who wrote about her experience). Pay close attention to the ‘clucking like...