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People say the nicest things


Testimonials from

They are sharing experiences and how they learn from our services, events and trainings.

360 Design Case Study
“We are really happy, we feel totally different with you and really feel we have a lot of great value.”
Ollie Trew
“Joining Speaker Express was one of the most phenomenal experiences, I went from this raw, rough and ready speaker with no structure to running my business and using speaking as a way to attract clients.”
Deepak Tailor
“The main thing was working on preparation and dealing with difficult questions. I also learned to speak confidently about everything even if I had gone off script during the pitch and it didn’t go exactly how I planned, I knew how to keep the flow and impact.”

Helping you present naturally

Speaker Express focuses on authenticity. The training has helped me immensely in progressing with my corporate career. It’s great fun, lots of laughter and learning, definitely recommended for speakers at any level.

Toby Fischer
Head of AML


My perception changed

Public speaking is different to delivering a training session and I had the perception that it is formal and only the highly skilled can execute at a good standard. After attending my perception changed.

Shelina Prabatani
Business Adviser & Project Manager


Confidence is key…

Getting constructive feedback within such a supportive environment. Speaker Express has changed the way I see myself. It doesn’t happen overnight of course, which is a reason that they run longer programmes.

Dorit Bagehorn
Lighting Designer

More Testimonials



The biggest thing I have taken from the Speaker Express Training is the #useyourvoiceforgood because that encapsulates why I joined – to become better at telling people about why maths and statistics are so important

Sophie Carr
Bays Consulting


Something profoundly changed

I had the great opportunity to be a part of the 3-month Accelerator Program led my Annik & Elliot. I am very grateful for taking part in this program & I am constantly amazed by how this process changes me. I highly recommend it.

Roxana Nasturas
Event Sales Executive


I really enjoyed the course

I could do it in the evenings when my little girl was in bed so I wasn’t losing billable work time and I could pause it when I needed to make notes or jot down ideas when something that was said sparked a lightbulb moment.

Dr Josephine Perry
Chartered Sport Psychologist